Author Guidelines

Journal of Christian Religious Education and Theology (JCRET)

1. General Requirements

  • The submitted manuscript must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration in other journals.
  • Manuscripts should align with the focus and scope of JCRET, covering topics related to Christian religious education, theology, biblical studies, and church-related issues.
  • The manuscript must be written in English or Indonesian, following proper grammar and academic writing conventions.
  • All authors must ensure that their work is free from plagiarism (maximum similarity index: 20%).

2. Manuscript Structure

Each submitted manuscript should follow the structure below:

A. Title

  • The title should be clear, concise, and informative (maximum 15 words).
  • The title should reflect the core content of the study.

B. Author(s) Information

  • Full name(s) of the author(s) (without academic titles).
  • Institutional affiliation(s) and country.
  • Corresponding author’s email.

C. Abstract

  • The abstract should be 150-250 words and summarize the research objective, methods, main findings, and implications.
  • Keywords: 3-5 words or phrases separated by commas.

D. Introduction

  • Introduce the background of the study, problem statement, and research significance.
  • Include a brief review of related literature to highlight research gaps.
  • Clearly state the research objective(s) and question(s).

E. Methodology

  • Describe the research design, population/sample, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.
  • If using biblical or theological approaches, explain the interpretive framework.

F. Results and Discussion

  • Present research findings systematically with supporting data (tables, figures, or qualitative descriptions).
  • Interpret and analyze the findings in relation to relevant theories or prior research.

G. Conclusion

  • Summarize key findings and their implications for Christian religious education and theology.
  • Suggest recommendations for future research or practical applications.

H. References

  • Use APA 7th Edition citation style.
  • Ensure that all references are cited properly within the text.

3. Formatting Guidelines

  • Font: Times New Roman, 12pt (body text), 14pt bold (title), 11pt (abstract & references).
  • Spacing: 1.5 line spacing.
  • Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides.
  • Paragraphs: Justified alignment, with a 1 cm indentation in the first line.
  • Tables & Figures: Must be numbered (e.g., Table 1, Figure 1) and include captions.

4. Submission Process

  • Manuscripts must be submitted via the JCRET online submission system at [journal website link].
  • Authors must register before submitting a manuscript.
  • The editorial team will conduct an initial screening to ensure adherence to guidelines before peer review.

5. Review Process

  • JCRET follows a double-blind peer review system.
  • The review process takes 4-6 weeks.
  • Authors may be required to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers’ feedback.

6. Copyright and Ethics

  • By submitting to JCRET, authors grant the journal first publication rights.
  • Authors must ensure ethical research practices, including proper attribution of sources and compliance with copyright laws.

7. Contact Information

For any inquiries, please contact:
Editorial Office – Journal of Christian Religious Education and Theology (JCRET)
Website: Journal of Christian Religious Education and Theology (JCRET)