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Ayu Marida Silaban
Kerdid Simbolon
Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan


The purpose of this research is to analyze students' difficulties in problem-solving in arithmetic sequences and series. The subject of this research is a student at SMA HKBP Lintongnihuta. This research approach is descriptive quantitatively. The types of students' difficulties experienced were analyzed based on Polya's stages of problem-solving. The results of this research are three categories of students based on achievement scores, namely the low category with a percentage of 50%, the medium category with a percentage of 30%, and the high category with a percentage of 20%. There are 4 types of difficulties experienced by students, that is: (1) difficulty in understanding the problem with the number of students experiencing it as much as 28%, (2) students' difficulties in planning problem solving with the number of students experiencing it as much as 11%, (3) students' difficulties in carrying out the plan in problem-solving with the number of students experiencing it as much as 12%, and (4) difficulty in looking back at answers with the number of students experiencing it as much as 8%. The type of difficulty that most students experience is in understanding the problem.

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How to Cite
Silaban, A. M., Simbolon, K., & Lumbantoruan, J. H. (2022). Kesulitan Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Barisan dan Deret Aritmatika. Brillo Journal, 1(2), 95–101.
Original research


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