S&Co Publishing Open Journal System


  • Brillo Journal


    Brillo Journal committed to providing a streamlined submission process, rapid review and publication, and a high level of author service at every stage. This journal is published twice a year (June and December) by S&CO Publishing (a company in the publishing industry under the business license of CV. Samuel Manurung and Co) in collaboration with the Indonesian Society of Researcher and Educator.

  • Journal of Next-Gen Educational Technologies

    The Journal of Next-Gen Educational Technologies (JNGET) is a premier, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the field of educational technology. JNGET aims to bridge the gap between cutting-edge technological innovations and educational practices, providing a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners to share their findings, insights, and experiences.

    Publisher: S&Co Publishing
    Frequency: Biannual (January and July)
    ISSN: [Your ISSN Number Here]
    DOI Prefix: [Your DOI Prefix Here]
    Website: [Your Website URL Here]
    Email: [Contact Email Here]

    Scope and Focus:
    The Journal of Next-Gen Educational Technologies (JNGET) is a peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal dedicated to advancing the field of educational technology. JNGET aims to provide a platform for educators, researchers, and technologists to explore and discuss the latest innovations, theories, and applications in educational technology. The journal's focus areas include but are not limited to:

    • Innovative Teaching Methods
    • E-Learning and Online Education
    • Educational Software and Tools
    • Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education
    • Artificial Intelligence in Education
    • Digital Literacy and Competence
    • Gamification and Game-Based Learning
    • Data Analytics and Learning Analytics
    • Mobile Learning

    Submission Guidelines:

    • Manuscript Types: Original research articles, review articles, case studies, and opinion pieces.
    • Language: English
    • Review Process: Double-blind peer review.
    • Publication Frequency: JNGET publishes two issues per year, in January and July.
    • Publication Fees: [Specify the Fee Here]
    • Ethics: Adherence to the highest ethical standards, including avoidance of plagiarism and full disclosure of conflicts of interest.

    JNGET serves a diverse readership that includes educators, researchers, policymakers, technologists, and practitioners in the field of educational technology. The journal seeks to impact both academic research and practical application, providing valuable insights into the integration of technology in educational settings.

    Editorial Board:

    • Editor-in-Chief: [Name of Editor-in-Chief], [Affiliation]
    • Associate Editors: [List of Associate Editors]
    • Advisory Board: [List of Advisory Board Members]

    Key Features:

    • Open Access: All articles are freely accessible online to ensure the widest possible dissemination of research findings.
    • Global Reach: Contributions from authors and readers worldwide, fostering a global exchange of ideas and practices.
    • Cutting-Edge Research: Focuses on the latest trends and developments in educational technology, providing timely and relevant content.

    Contact Information:

    • Email: [Contact Email Here]
    • Phone: [Contact Phone Number Here]
    • Address: S&Co Publishing, [Address Line 1], [City, State, Postal Code], [Country]

    Artia Journal adalah jurnal penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan berupa karya ilmiah yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian dan kajian analitis-kritis pada bidang Pendidikan matematika. Jurnal ini terbit 3 (tiga) kali dalam setahun yaitu April, Agustus, dan Desember diterbitkan oleh CV. Samuel Manurung and Co. Seluruh manuskrip yang dikirimkan direview oleh editor dan Reviewer melalui proses double-blind review agar memperoleh manuskrip yang diterbitkan berkualitas.