Journal of Christian Religious Education and Theology (JCRET): Announcements <p data-start="187" data-end="597">The <strong data-start="191" data-end="256">Journal of Christian Religious Education and Theology (JCRET)</strong> is an academic journal managed to facilitate the publication of research conducted by lecturers, researchers, and academics in the fields of <strong data-start="398" data-end="420">Christian Theology</strong> and <strong data-start="425" data-end="458">Christian Religious Education</strong>. This journal is published <strong data-start="486" data-end="500">biannually</strong> and aims to contribute to theological and educational discourse through high-quality research.</p> <p data-start="599" data-end="778"><strong data-start="599" data-end="608">JCRET</strong> is a <strong data-start="614" data-end="639">peer-reviewed journal</strong> that serves as a platform for scholars to publish research findings related to Christian theology and education. The journal focuses on:</p> <ul data-start="780" data-end="1055"> <li data-start="780" data-end="837"><strong data-start="782" data-end="802">Biblical Studies</strong> (Old and New Testament Exegesis)</li> <li data-start="838" data-end="878"><strong data-start="840" data-end="876">Systematic and Dogmatic Theology</strong></li> <li data-start="879" data-end="926"><strong data-start="881" data-end="924">Practical Theology and Christian Ethics</strong></li> <li data-start="927" data-end="991"><strong data-start="929" data-end="989">Christian Religious Education and Pedagogical Approaches</strong></li> <li data-start="992" data-end="1055"><strong data-start="994" data-end="1053">Contemporary Issues in Christian Education and Theology</strong></li> </ul> <p data-start="1057" data-end="1223">The journal welcomes interdisciplinary approaches that integrate theology with educational theories, philosophy, and contemporary challenges in Christian education.</p> <p data-start="1225" data-end="1397">A complete description of the <strong data-start="1255" data-end="1320">Journal of Christian Religious Education and Theology (JCRET)</strong> can be found in the <strong data-start="1341" data-end="1362">About the Journal</strong> section on our official website.</p> en-US Tue, 11 Mar 2025 17:02:08 +0000 OJS 60